
Hancock Soil & Water Staff

Phone: 419-422-6569

Tyler Koenig      District Program Administrator (2018)    ext. 105

Jason Althaus         District Technician  (2022)                                                          ext. 104

Becky Fuller           Special Projects Technician (2023)                                           ext. 106

Tracy Waxler          Administrative Assistant (2024)                                                 ext. 101

Connor Schnipke   District Technician (2024)                                                         ext. 103

NRCS Staff

Phone: 419-581-4512

Cristhian Carrasquillo, District Conservationist (2020)

Jonathan Irizarry – Soto, Soil Conservationist (2023)

Pheasants Forever

Celeste LaFleur, Farm Bill Biologist for Hancock, Hardin, Wyandot Counties (2022) ext. 109

Hancock SWCD Board of Supervisors

Linda Tuttle, Chairman – Linda practices all-minimum and no-till farming in Liberty, Blanchard, Eagle and Union Townships. Linda recently retired from AG Credit after 27 years as a loan officer. Linda has been involved with the Hancock County Farm City Tour for 15 years, worked with the Dairy Feeder Program at the Hancock County Fair, worked with 4-H and OSU Extension programs, is a Farm Bureau member, and is a Blanchard Township poll worker and active in the Good Shepherd Church. Linda  has three grown children. Linda feels it is important for farm women and wives to be involved in agriculture. Linda has lived along the Blanchard River most of her married life and has a first-rate understanding of the flood issues and how important good stewardship practices are to our soils and waterways.

Evan Jackson, Vice Chairman – Evan joined the Board of Supervisors in 2015. Evan has a wife (Kari), two daughters (Caroline & Leah), and two sons (Fritz and Wells). He is a Liberty-Benton graduate and an Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran. Evan has farmed with his father, Tim Jackson, since the return of his deployment to Iraq in 2008. Together, they have a grain, cattle, and contract hog feeding operation. They use no-till, vertical tillage, cover crops, and filter strips as conservation practices. Evan brings the perspective of a diversified farmer to the board of supervisors.

Matthew Heitkamp, Fiscal Agent -Matt joined the board of supervisors in 2019.  Matt along with wife Jennifer and children John, Andrew, and Katherine farm in Hancock County.  Matt is employed by Advanced Drainage Systems. Matt feels his experience with agriculture, drainage, and conservation can bring support to the Hancock SWCD board. Matt’s goal is to provide great service to the landowners of Hancock County.

Jason Bower, Member – Jason Joined the Board of Supervisors in 2020. Jason is married to Shelby Bower and has 3 children (Raeleigh and twins Hayden and Tenley Bower).  He is a co-owner of Rockview Custom Pumping, which is a manure application business.  Jason is a Certified Livestock Manager.  He also farms with his parents Roger and Amy Bower.  Jason believes that his nutrient application background can be a unique insight into the role farmers take to fertilize their lands and maintain proper land stewardship.

Jeff Reese, Member  Jeff joined the Board of Supervisors in 2021. Jeff and his wife, Haley have one daughter, Rae. Jeff graduated from Cory-Rawson High School and received an Agricultural Communications degree with a minor in Natural Resources from The Ohio State University. He is a marketing specialist for Ohio’s Country Journal and Ohio Agent. Jeff has also operated Kaleidoscope (Christmas tree) Farms with his father Dave Reese and brothers and recently has started helping his uncle Tom Deeds in a minor roll on his farm. Both Kaleidoscope Farms and the Deeds farm use multiple conservation practices including filter strips, cover crops and CRP ground. He is also an active member of the Chamber of Commerce Agribusiness Committee.  Jeff feels like his broad range of experiences and exposure to conservation practices will serve him well on the SWCD board of supervisors.


Linda Tuttle – Chairman

Evan Jackson – Vice Chairman

Matthew Heitkamp – Fiscal Agent

Jason Bower – Member

Jeff Reese